01964 613355 info@themeridian.co.uk

Armed Forces & Veterans Breakfast Club (AFVBC)

Date(s): Saturday 21st September 2024 | Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Location: Cecil Doughty Room, The Meridian Centre


Our purpose is to facilitate veterans and serving Armed Forces personnel to meet face to face in a relaxed, safe, social environment to enjoy breakfast and banter, to combat loneliness and allow veterans to ”return to the tribe”

Free to attend, free to join. There are no fees, subs or commitments: we don’t exist to support any national charity, organisation or business: just turn up, pay for your breakfast and enjoy the company of other Armed Forces Veterans.

Withernsea Armed Forces Veterans Breakfast Club is held the first and third Saturday of each month at 10am
Butty, brew and banter NAAFI-style with as much free tea and coffee as you can drink with either a bacon or sausage butty for a suggested donation of £1.50.
If you are unable to budget for this, then it will be discretely covered, as we would rather have you there than worry about finances.